Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Midlife Bridal Shower

My bridal shower was almost 23 years ago.  

This means 2 things: 

  1. I have been with my husband longer than I was alive not knowing him.

  2. I am in serious need of more spoons. And a toaster oven.

I’ll never forget the comments from my aunts while I opened my ultra-absorbant dish towels, salad spinner and monogrammed water pitcher. First, the complete envy for dish towels was downright shocking. Their side conversations of wanting their own married-after-20 years- showers was bizarre. Aunt Mary said she could really use new towels while Aunt Karen agreed and added a new vacuum to the list of household desires. While friends added bows to my paper hat bonnet, I seriously pondered why on earth Aunt Mary and Aunt Karen didn’t just go to Bed Bath & Beyond and get themselves some new towels.

Fast forward nearly 23 years later and I am a wiser woman.

There are 2 reasons why Aunt Mary and Aunt Karen weren’t treating themselves to shiny new spatulas:

  1. A mortgage

  2. Kids

Oh, I’ll add a third reason - no online shopping in 1999.

When there is a monthly bill to keep a roof over one’s head, washing and rewashing the same three spoons because the other 13 in the set have mysteriously disappeared becomes normal.  Paying for our kids’ survival outweighs the want for bath towels that actually dry a human body.  And let’s face it, having to physically go to the store in the pre-online shopping era was just simply barbaric. 

I say we throw ourselves our own Midlife Showers!  Celebrate being married, surviving hot flashes, dealing with teenage hormones - hell, our own hormones! What’s on your registry? Keep an eye out for my list which may or may not include a gift card to help with the car insurance for my newly-licensed son.  

Special note: In memory of my Aunt Mary who passed away 11 years ago and in honor of my Aunt Karen.  These wonderful women are my mom’s sisters and were both a very special part of my childhood and growing up.

Additional special note: Actual bridal shower photo,June 1999. Who else wants the top-button cardigan over the dress to come back??

Sunday, April 3, 2022

This is Me

My brain has been driving in 50 different directions lately. Of course, this isn’t unusual for a mom, a full-time working mom, wife, daughter, dog mom, anxiety-filled 40-something year old with a mortgage, a kid with a new license going to college in 16 months (oh my God, oh my God). 

About a month ago, I thought I’d try my hand at affiliate marketing. I wanted to weave my love of writing with marketing stuff that I currently own and direct my followers to some website to buy the things I love, and in turn, maybe make a few bucks. Turns out, I’m just not that person. 

Now, I love those people. I follow those people and they direct me to buy all kinds of things I love and don’t need. But when I really started to think about it, it’s just not me. I will not model in front of a mirror trying to convince the masses that a dress looks cute while popping a knee for the perfect shot. What I will do is make funny faces when I know someone is taking a picture. THAT'S me. 

You know what else I will do? I will use all my snark and 40-something wisdom to write about topics that are important to us. By us, I mean moms in the middle. We’re preparing our kids to leave the nest while caring for aging parents; scoffing at Mom Jeans because we did it the first time but have no idea what jeans to actually wear; perfectly content to go to bed at 10 on a Saturday night but forced to stay up until our teenager arrives safely home. 

Please join me on this wild ride, comment and share your ups, downs and in-betweens of this stage of life.