Wednesday, July 14, 2010

New Look, Same Old Blog!

It just looks different, but it's still me! Here we have a clean, uncluttered look - just the way I like my house. I'd love if the inside of my head could be this neat and organized, too, but with the welcoming of a child comes the welcoming of chaos, almost complete disorganization, and a teetering on the edge of insanity. And that's me with one child. Oh, which brings me to a topic that will be explored, dissected and ranted about in the very near future. The "only" child (I very much dislike this phrase, not going to say the H word, we teach Monkey Man not to use that word. Screw it. I HATE that phrase).


Tamara said...

Love the clean, fresh look!
Can't wait to hear the "one" child rant!

You Are Kidding Me! said...

The rant is coming, hopefully by summer's end!